eDNA Analysis Recipes

Results generated by running the recipe.

Parameters used during the run:

  • eDNA detection data:Fungal Pathogen Detection Data
  • Metadata:Fungal Pathogen Metadata
  • Site Covariates:~ frogs
  • Sample Covariates:~ 1
  • Site and Sample Covariates:~ 1
File List
Files created by the recipe run:
Output Messages
Messages printed to the standard output stream:
Begin MCMC sampling: 
..... drawing sample # 100  after  0.007265639  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 200  after  0.01515194  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 300  after  0.02258539  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 400  after  0.03029215  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 500  after  0.03782702  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 600  after  0.0455835  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 700  after  0.05315739  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 800  after  0.06058527  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 900  after  0.06749219  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 1000  after  0.07441793  minutes 
..... drawing sample # 1100  after  0.08139563  minutes 
Completed  1100  draws of MCMC algorithm 
Bayesian estimates of model parameters 
                    Mean    50%   2.5% 97.5%
beta.(Intercept)   1.382  1.291  0.597 2.164
beta.frogs         0.819  0.699 -0.351 2.119
alpha.(Intercept) -0.065 -0.074 -0.415 0.241
delta.(Intercept)  1.087  1.084  0.565 1.445

Monte Carlo SE of Bayesian estimates 
                    Mean    50%   2.5%  97.5%
beta.(Intercept)  0.0998 0.1100 0.0645 0.0000
beta.frogs        0.1336 0.1608 0.2485 0.0000
alpha.(Intercept) 0.0165 0.0186 0.0794 0.0461
delta.(Intercept) 0.0124 0.0173 0.1098 0.0401
null device 
Other Messages
Messages printed to the standard error stream:


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