Applied Bioinformatics Course Recipes

Results generated by running the recipe.

File List
Files created by the recipe run:
counts.txt 5.7 KB
edger.r 4.1 KB
heatmap.r 1.8 KB
ids 54 bytes 1.7 KB
results.pdf 12.4 KB
Output Messages
Messages printed to the standard output stream:
Building DifferenceCoverSample
  Building sPrime
  Building sPrimeOrder
  V-Sorting samples
  V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00
  Allocating rank array
  Ranking v-sort output
  Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00
  Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks
  Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00
  Sanity-checking and returning
Building samples
Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes
Generating random suffixes
QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates
QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00
Multikey QSorting 12 samples
  (Using difference cover)
  Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00
Calculating bucket sizes
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Split 1, merged 6; iterating...
Splitting and merging
  Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00
Avg bucket size: 18392.7 (target: 24140)
Getting block 1 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 1
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 1
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 1:
  bucket 1: 10%
  bucket 1: 20%
  bucket 1: 30%
  bucket 1: 40%
  bucket 1: 50%
  bucket 1: 60%
  bucket 1: 70%
  bucket 1: 80%
  bucket 1: 90%
  bucket 1: 100%
  Sorting block of length 11794 for bucket 1
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 11795 for bucket 1
Getting block 2 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 2
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 2
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 2:
  bucket 2: 10%
  bucket 2: 20%
  bucket 2: 30%
  bucket 2: 40%
  bucket 2: 50%
  bucket 2: 60%
  bucket 2: 70%
  bucket 2: 80%
  bucket 2: 90%
  bucket 2: 100%
  Sorting block of length 15630 for bucket 2
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 15631 for bucket 2
Getting block 3 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 3
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 3
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 3:
  bucket 3: 10%
  bucket 3: 20%
  bucket 3: 30%
  bucket 3: 40%
  bucket 3: 50%
  bucket 3: 60%
  bucket 3: 70%
  bucket 3: 80%
  bucket 3: 90%
  bucket 3: 100%
  Sorting block of length 19642 for bucket 3
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 19643 for bucket 3
Getting block 4 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 4
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 4
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 4:
  bucket 4: 10%
  bucket 4: 20%
  bucket 4: 30%
  bucket 4: 40%
  bucket 4: 50%
  bucket 4: 60%
  bucket 4: 70%
  bucket 4: 80%
  bucket 4: 90%
  bucket 4: 100%
  Sorting block of length 19091 for bucket 4
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 19092 for bucket 4
Getting block 5 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 5
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 5
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 5:
  bucket 5: 10%
  bucket 5: 20%
  bucket 5: 30%
  bucket 5: 40%
  bucket 5: 50%
  bucket 5: 60%
  bucket 5: 70%
  bucket 5: 80%
  bucket 5: 90%
  bucket 5: 100%
  Sorting block of length 21618 for bucket 5
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 21619 for bucket 5
Getting block 6 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 6
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 6
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 6:
  bucket 6: 10%
  bucket 6: 20%
  bucket 6: 30%
  bucket 6: 40%
  bucket 6: 50%
  bucket 6: 60%
  bucket 6: 70%
  bucket 6: 80%
  bucket 6: 90%
  bucket 6: 100%
  Sorting block of length 22719 for bucket 6
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 22720 for bucket 6
Getting block 7 of 7
  Reserving size (24141) for bucket 7
  Calculating Z arrays for bucket 7
  Entering block accumulator loop for bucket 7:
  bucket 7: 10%
  bucket 7: 20%
  bucket 7: 30%
  bucket 7: 40%
  bucket 7: 50%
  bucket 7: 60%
  bucket 7: 70%
  bucket 7: 80%
  bucket 7: 90%
  bucket 7: 100%
  Sorting block of length 18255 for bucket 7
  (Using difference cover)
  Sorting block time: 00:00:00
Returning block of 18256 for bucket 7
Other Messages
Messages printed to the standard error stream:
+ wget -q -nc
+ tar xzvf golden.genome.tar.gz
+ wget -q -nc
+ tar zxvf golden.reads.tar.gz
+ IDX=refs/genome.fa
+ hisat2-build refs/genome.fa refs/genome.fa
  Output files: "refs/genome.fa.*.ht2"
  Line rate: 6 (line is 64 bytes)
  Lines per side: 1 (side is 64 bytes)
  Offset rate: 4 (one in 16)
  FTable chars: 10
  Strings: unpacked
  Local offset rate: 3 (one in 8)
  Local fTable chars: 6
  Local sequence length: 57344
  Local sequence overlap between two consecutive indexes: 1024
  Endianness: little
  Actual local endianness: little
  Sanity checking: disabled
  Assertions: disabled
  Random seed: 0
  Sizeofs: void*:8, int:4, long:8, size_t:8
Input files DNA, FASTA:
Reading reference sizes
  Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00
Calculating joined length
Writing header
Reserving space for joined string
Joining reference sequences
  Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:00
  Time to read SNPs and splice sites: 00:00:00
Using parameters --bmax 24141 --dcv 1024
  Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test
  Passed!  Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 24141 --dcv 1024
Constructing suffix-array element generator
Converting suffix-array elements to index image
Allocating ftab, absorbFtab
Entering GFM loop
Exited GFM loop
fchr[A]: 0
fchr[C]: 47248
fchr[G]: 65274
fchr[T]: 83911
fchr[$]: 128755
Exiting GFM::buildToDisk()
Returning from initFromVector
Wrote 4237485 bytes to primary GFM file: refs/genome.fa.1.ht2
Wrote 32196 bytes to secondary GFM file: refs/genome.fa.2.ht2
Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams
Returning from GFM constructor
Returning from initFromVector
Wrote 62331 bytes to primary GFM file: refs/genome.fa.5.ht2
Wrote 32708 bytes to secondary GFM file: refs/genome.fa.6.ht2
Re-opening _in5 and _in5 as input streams
Returning from HierEbwt constructor
    len: 128755
    gbwtLen: 128756
    nodes: 128756
    sz: 32189
    gbwtSz: 32190
    lineRate: 6
    offRate: 4
    offMask: 0xfffffff0
    ftabChars: 10
    eftabLen: 0
    eftabSz: 0
    ftabLen: 1048577
    ftabSz: 4194308
    offsLen: 8048
    offsSz: 32192
    lineSz: 64
    sideSz: 64
    sideGbwtSz: 48
    sideGbwtLen: 192
    numSides: 671
    numLines: 671
    gbwtTotLen: 42944
    gbwtTotSz: 42944
    reverse: 0
    linearFM: Yes
Total time for call to driver() for forward index: 00:00:00
+ samtools faidx refs/genome.fa
+ parallel -j 1 echo '{1}_{2}' ::: BORED EXCITED ::: 1 2 3
+ mkdir -p bam
+ cat ids
+ parallel 'hisat2 -x refs/genome.fa -1 reads/{}_R1.fq -2 reads/{}_R2.fq | samtools sort > bam/{}.bam'
112193 reads; of these:
  112193 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    320 (0.29%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    111873 (99.71%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    0 (0.00%) aligned concordantly >1 times
    320 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
      318 (99.38%) aligned discordantly 1 time
    2 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
      4 mates make up the pairs; of these:
        0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
        4 (100.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
        0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate
123093 reads; of these:
  123093 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    371 (0.30%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    122696 (99.68%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    26 (0.02%) aligned concordantly >1 times
    371 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
      363 (97.84%) aligned discordantly 1 time
    8 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
      16 mates make up the pairs; of these:
        0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
        14 (87.50%) aligned exactly 1 time
        2 (12.50%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate
158009 reads; of these:
  158009 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    536 (0.34%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    157473 (99.66%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    0 (0.00%) aligned concordantly >1 times
    536 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
      515 (96.08%) aligned discordantly 1 time
    21 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
      42 mates make up the pairs; of these:
        0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
        42 (100.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
        0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate
137581 reads; of these:
  137581 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    21838 (15.87%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    115743 (84.13%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    0 (0.00%) aligned concordantly >1 times
    21838 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
      21023 (96.27%) aligned discordantly 1 time
    815 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
      1630 mates make up the pairs; of these:
        0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
        1630 (100.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
        0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate
196673 reads; of these:
  196673 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    660 (0.34%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    195995 (99.66%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    18 (0.01%) aligned concordantly >1 times
    660 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
      644 (97.58%) aligned discordantly 1 time
    16 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
      32 mates make up the pairs; of these:
        0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
        32 (100.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
        0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate
237018 reads; of these:
  237018 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    376 (0.16%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    236642 (99.84%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    0 (0.00%) aligned concordantly >1 times
    376 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
      366 (97.34%) aligned discordantly 1 time
    10 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
      20 mates make up the pairs; of these:
        0 (0.00%) aligned 0 times
        20 (100.00%) aligned exactly 1 time
        0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times
100.00% overall alignment rate
+ cat ids
+ parallel 'samtools index bam/{}.bam'
+ cat ids
+ parallel 'bedtools genomecov -ibam  bam/{}.bam -split -bg  > bam/{}.bg'
+ cat ids
+ parallel 'bedGraphToBigWig bam/{}.bg  refs/genome.fa.fai bam/{}.bw'
+ featureCounts -p -a refs/features.gff -o counts.txt bam/BORED_1.bam bam/BORED_2.bam bam/BORED_3.bam bam/EXCITED_1.bam bam/EXCITED_2.bam bam/EXCITED_3.bam

        ==========     _____ _    _ ____  _____  ______          _____  
        =====         / ____| |  | |  _ \|  __ \|  ____|   /\   |  __ \ 
          =====      | (___ | |  | | |_) | |__) | |__     /  \  | |  | |
            ====      \___ \| |  | |  _ <|  _  /|  __|   / /\ \ | |  | |
              ====    ____) | |__| | |_) | | \ \| |____ / ____ \| |__| |
        ==========   |_____/ \____/|____/|_|  \_\______/_/    \_\_____/

//========================== featureCounts setting ===========================\\
||                                                                            ||
||             Input files : 6 BAM files                                      ||
||                           P BORED_1.bam                                    ||
||                           P BORED_2.bam                                    ||
||                           P BORED_3.bam                                    ||
||                           P EXCITED_1.bam                                  ||
||                           P EXCITED_2.bam                                  ||
||                           P EXCITED_3.bam                                  ||
||                                                                            ||
||             Output file : counts.txt                                       ||
||                 Summary : counts.txt.summary                               ||
||              Annotation : features.gff (GTF)                               ||
||      Dir for temp files : ./                                               ||
||                                                                            ||
||                 Threads : 1                                                ||
||                   Level : meta-feature level                               ||
||              Paired-end : yes                                              ||
||      Multimapping reads : not counted                                      ||
|| Multi-overlapping reads : not counted                                      ||
||   Min overlapping bases : 1                                                ||
||                                                                            ||
||          Chimeric reads : counted                                          ||
||        Both ends mapped : not required                                     ||
||                                                                            ||

//================================= Running ==================================\\
||                                                                            ||
|| Load annotation file features.gff ...                                      ||
||    Features : 92                                                           ||
||    Meta-features : 92                                                      ||
||    Chromosomes/contigs : 1                                                 ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Process BAM file BORED_1.bam...                                            ||
||    Paired-end reads are included.                                          ||
||    Assign alignments (paired-end) to features...                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||    WARNING: reads from the same pair were found not adjacent to each       ||
||             other in the input (due to read sorting by location or         ||
||             reporting of multi-mapping read pairs).                        ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Pairing up the read pairs.                                              ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Total alignments : 112193                                               ||
||    Successfully assigned alignments : 112193 (100.0%)                      ||
||    Running time : 0.00 minutes                                             ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Process BAM file BORED_2.bam...                                            ||
||    Paired-end reads are included.                                          ||
||    Assign alignments (paired-end) to features...                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||    WARNING: reads from the same pair were found not adjacent to each       ||
||             other in the input (due to read sorting by location or         ||
||             reporting of multi-mapping read pairs).                        ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Pairing up the read pairs.                                              ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Total alignments : 182196                                               ||
||    Successfully assigned alignments : 182193 (100.0%)                      ||
||    Running time : 0.01 minutes                                             ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Process BAM file BORED_3.bam...                                            ||
||    Paired-end reads are included.                                          ||
||    Assign alignments (paired-end) to features...                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||    WARNING: reads from the same pair were found not adjacent to each       ||
||             other in the input (due to read sorting by location or         ||
||             reporting of multi-mapping read pairs).                        ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Pairing up the read pairs.                                              ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Total alignments : 123121                                               ||
||    Successfully assigned alignments : 123067 (100.0%)                      ||
||    Running time : 0.00 minutes                                             ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Process BAM file EXCITED_1.bam...                                          ||
||    Paired-end reads are included.                                          ||
||    Assign alignments (paired-end) to features...                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||    WARNING: reads from the same pair were found not adjacent to each       ||
||             other in the input (due to read sorting by location or         ||
||             reporting of multi-mapping read pairs).                        ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Pairing up the read pairs.                                              ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Total alignments : 237018                                               ||
||    Successfully assigned alignments : 237014 (100.0%)                      ||
||    Running time : 0.01 minutes                                             ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Process BAM file EXCITED_2.bam...                                          ||
||    Paired-end reads are included.                                          ||
||    Assign alignments (paired-end) to features...                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||    WARNING: reads from the same pair were found not adjacent to each       ||
||             other in the input (due to read sorting by location or         ||
||             reporting of multi-mapping read pairs).                        ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Pairing up the read pairs.                                              ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Total alignments : 158009                                               ||
||    Successfully assigned alignments : 158009 (100.0%)                      ||
||    Running time : 0.01 minutes                                             ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Process BAM file EXCITED_3.bam...                                          ||
||    Paired-end reads are included.                                          ||
||    Assign alignments (paired-end) to features...                           ||
||                                                                            ||
||    WARNING: reads from the same pair were found not adjacent to each       ||
||             other in the input (due to read sorting by location or         ||
||             reporting of multi-mapping read pairs).                        ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Pairing up the read pairs.                                              ||
||                                                                            ||
||    Total alignments : 196691                                               ||
||    Successfully assigned alignments : 196653 (100.0%)                      ||
||    Running time : 0.01 minutes                                             ||
||                                                                            ||
||                                                                            ||
|| Summary of counting results can be found in file "counts.txt.summary"      ||
||                                                                            ||

+ curl
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  4148  100  4148    0     0  25447      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 25447
+ curl
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  1874  100  1874    0     0  11154      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 11154
+ cat counts.txt
+ Rscript edger.r 3x3
+ cat results.csv
+ Rscript heatmap.r
Warning message:
package ‘gplots’ was built under R version 3.6.3 

Powered by the release 2.3.6