+ ACC=AF086833 + SRR=SRR1972739 + mkdir -p refs + GB=refs/AF086833.gb + REF=refs/AF086833.fa + GFF=refs/AF086833.gff + efetch -db=nuccore -format=gb -id=AF086833 + cat refs/AF086833.gb + readseq -p -f fasta Readseq version 2.1.30 (12-May-2010) + readseq -p -f gff + cat refs/AF086833.gb + grep CDS Readseq version 2.1.30 (12-May-2010) + bwa index refs/AF086833.fa [bwa_index] Pack FASTA... 0.00 sec [bwa_index] Construct BWT for the packed sequence... [bwa_index] 0.01 seconds elapse. [bwa_index] Update BWT... 0.00 sec [bwa_index] Pack forward-only FASTA... 0.00 sec [bwa_index] Construct SA from BWT and Occ... 0.01 sec [main] Version: 0.7.17-r1188 [main] CMD: bwa index refs/AF086833.fa [main] Real time: 0.351 sec; CPU: 0.012 sec + samtools faidx refs/AF086833.fa + mkdir -p reads + fastq-dump -X 10000 --split-files -O reads SRR1972739 + R1=reads/SRR1972739_1.fastq + R2=reads/SRR1972739_2.fastq + BAM=SRR1972739.bam + ALL=SRR1972739.all.vcf + VCF=SRR1972739.variants.vcf + bwa mem refs/AF086833.fa reads/SRR1972739_1.fastq reads/SRR1972739_2.fastq + samtools sort [M::bwa_idx_load_from_disk] read 0 ALT contigs [M::process] read 20000 sequences (2020000 bp)... [M::mem_pestat] # candidate unique pairs for (FF, FR, RF, RR): (738, 5739, 6, 663) [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FF... [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (74, 114, 180) [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and std.dev: (1, 392) [M::mem_pestat] mean and std.dev: (131.35, 75.24) [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 498) [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation FR... [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (174, 220, 276) [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and std.dev: (1, 480) [M::mem_pestat] mean and std.dev: (227.70, 77.37) [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 582) [M::mem_pestat] skip orientation RF as there are not enough pairs [M::mem_pestat] analyzing insert size distribution for orientation RR... [M::mem_pestat] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (77, 122, 175) [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for computing mean and std.dev: (1, 371) [M::mem_pestat] mean and std.dev: (131.18, 71.99) [M::mem_pestat] low and high boundaries for proper pairs: (1, 469) [M::mem_process_seqs] Processed 20000 reads in 0.956 CPU sec, 0.956 real sec [main] Version: 0.7.17-r1188 [main] CMD: bwa mem refs/AF086833.fa reads/SRR1972739_1.fastq reads/SRR1972739_2.fastq [main] Real time: 0.995 sec; CPU: 0.968 sec + samtools index SRR1972739.bam + bcftools mpileup -Ou -f refs/AF086833.fa SRR1972739.bam [mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files + cat SRR1972739.all.vcf + bcftools call --ploidy 1 -mv -Ov -o SRR1972739.variants.vcf