# Set strict error checking. set -eux # The accession of the data to be downloaded from SRA. Must be a valid SRA id. # For example: SRR=SRR519926 # SRR=SRR519926 # The number of reads to unpack. N=1000 # ------------ No changes needed below this line -------- # Directory containing the reads. mkdir -p reads # Directory containing the fastqc reports. mkdir -p reports # First in pair. READ1=reads/${SRR}_1.fastq # The second in pair. READ2=reads/${SRR}_2.fastq # First in pair, passed QC. GOOD1=reads/good1.fq # Second in pair, passed QC. GOOD2=reads/good2.fq # First in pair, dropped by the QC. BAD1=reads/bad1.fq # Second in pair, dropped by the QC. BAD2=reads/bad2.fq # Get fastq files from SRA. Limit to 1000 reads. fastq-dump -X $N -O reads --split-files $SRR # Run the initial fastqc report. fastqc $READ1 $READ2 # Trim reads by quality. trimmomatic PE $READ1 $READ2 $GOOD1 $BAD1 $GOOD2 $BAD2 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 # Run fastqc again to evaluate improvement. fastqc -o reports $GOOD1 $BAD1 $GOOD2 $BAD2