# Stop on errors. Print the commands. set -uex # Download the reference genome. wget -q -nc http://data.biostarhandbook.com/books/rnaseq/data/golden.genome.tar.gz # Unpack the reference genome. tar xzvf golden.genome.tar.gz # Download the data wget -q -nc http://data.biostarhandbook.com/books/rnaseq/data/golden.reads.tar.gz # Unpack the data tar zxvf golden.reads.tar.gz # Set the name for the reference. REF=refs/transcripts.fa # Set the name of the index. IDX=refs/transcript.idx # Index the genome with kallisto. kallisto index -i $IDX $REF # Index the reference genome with samtools samtools faidx $REF # Let's make gnu parallel nagging go away. echo 'will cite' | parallel --citation 2> /dev/null # Create the root ids of the data layout. parallel -j 1 echo {1}_{2} ::: BORED EXCITED ::: 1 2 3 > ids # Make a directory for the results mkdir -p output # Run Kallisto to classify the reads. cat ids | parallel kallisto quant -i $IDX -o output/{} reads/{}_R1.fq reads/{}_R2.fq # Download the custom script to combine kallisto outputs. curl http://data.biostarhandbook.com/books/rnaseq/code/combine.py > combine.py # Combine the outputs created by kallisto. cat ids | python combine.py output > counts.txt # Download the edger R script. curl http://data.biostarhandbook.com/books/rnaseq/code/edger.r > edger.r # Perform the differential expression detection with edger. cat counts.txt | Rscript edger.r 3x3 > results.csv # Draw the heatmap from the results. cat results.csv | Rscript heatmap.r > results.pdf