Istvan Albert

Istvan Albert 0
Role: Admin
Status: New
Handle: @ialbert
Status: New
Reputation: 0
Email: i*********
Joined: 5 years, 10 months
Last seen: 3 years, 7 months

Projects by Istvan Albert
Applied Bioinformatics Course Recipes

Recipes supporting the materials in the Applied Bioinformatics course.

Public 0 data 21 recipes 18 results updated 21 months ago by Istvan Albert
Bioinformatics Data Analysis

This project contains recipes for the Bioinformatics Data Analysis online course.

Public 0 data 21 recipes 26 results updated 2.8 years ago by Bioinformatics Admin
Bioinformatics Recipe Cookbook

This project contains the recipes used in the Bioinformatics Recipes online course.

Public 1 data 19 recipes 27 results updated 3.7 years ago by Istvan Albert

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