Bioinformatics Data Analysis

Results generated by running the recipe.

Parameters used during the run:

Output Messages
Messages printed to the standard output stream:

Building a new DB, current time: 02/26/2019 16:31:24
New DB name:   /export/sites/biostar-engine/export/media/jobs/f6a2b0cb/newdb/my16S
New DB title:  database.all.fa
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
Adding sequences from FASTA; added 20797 sequences in 0.680396 seconds.
Other Messages
Messages printed to the standard error stream:
+ export BLASTDB=/home/www/blastdb
+ BLASTDB=/home/www/blastdb
+ mkdir -p /home/www/blastdb
+ cd /home/www/blastdb
+ --quiet --decompress 16SMicrobial
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -info
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -entry all
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -entry NR_026093
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -entry all -range 1-20
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -entry NR_026093 -range 1-20
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -entry all -outfmt '%a %l'
+ blastdbcmd -db 16SMicrobial -entry all -range 1-20 -outfmt %s
+ uniq -c
+ sort
+ sort -rn
+ cat database.starts.txt
+ sort
+ uniq -c
+ sort -rn
+ mkdir -p newdb
+ makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in database.all.fa -parse_seqids -out newdb/my16S
+ blastdbcmd -db newdb/my16S -info

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